Season 3, Episode 19

Let’s Talk About Facebook Ads!

In this episode, I’m sharing insights on how to best prepare your business for leveraging Facebook Ads for growth! I’ll be answering the questions every business owner should be asking before they invest in Facebook Ads, and I’ll also be touching on the signature strategic framework I use with all my clients, the “Four Steps to Profitable Facebook Ads.”

Episode Highlights

Hosts & Guests

Jackie Kossoff, Host

The Millennial Success Society

Connect with other millennial women entrepreneurs by joining our community on Facebook! 

Inside This Episode

(1:13) Jackie Intro

(4:03) 4 Steps to Profitable Facebook Ads

(5:24) Is Facebook Ads a Profitable Strategy for My Business?

(7:22) Tips for People Considering Investing in Facebook Ads

(9:22)  “Staying committed, understanding this is not going to be an overnight process- that is really going to help you in the long run” 

(10:53) Step One: Knowing Your Audience

(12:28) Step Two: Copy & Content That Converts

(14:19) Step Three: Have a Clear, Concise, Action-Orientated, Call-to-Action

(16:58) Step Four: Optimize Everything After the Ad


*Sign-up for Jackie’s “Four Steps to Profitable Facebook Ads: Mini-Course:” 

Links Mentioned
Schedule a Facebook Ads Consultation with Jackie
Jackie’s Instagram
Jackie’s Website